House of Cards star, Kate Mara, has gone vegan!

On a road trip nearly a decade ago, Kate Mara remembers passing “miles upon miles of chicken coops” and realizing then “what a horrific life these animals were leading. I was unaware of factory farming until that moment.” She decided to become vegetarian. And five years later, inspired further after meeting with a nutritionist, she cut animal products from her diet completely.

Explaining her decision she says, “Every time we sit down to eat, we have a choice. By choosing more meat-free meals, we’re saying ‘yes’ to better health, ‘yes’ to a better environment, and ‘yes’ to better treatment of animals. Being vegan has been so good for me. I’ve never felt better.”

She goes on to say, “I was a meat eater for a long time, and I would have made different choices in my diet if I had known the facts about factory farming. I now feel it’s my moral obligation, and I’m very passionate about educating people on making better, more humane choices when it comes to the food we eat.”

Despite her plant-based pursuits she tries hard to get along smoothly with others. “I’m a vegan, but that doesn’t mean I get up and leave, if I’m out to dinner with someone who orders steak.”